Bangkok, here we come! (9 Nov)

On to Thailand…

Most of the people we told of our plans to visit Thailand said something like, “you are not going to believe how crazy it is!” or “it’s a really intense place!” Then, after finding out we would be heading to Bangkok fresh off the plane from Delhi, they would inevitably say, “oh never mind then, you’ll be fine.”

And so, we entered Bangkok, ready for some insanity, but also looking for some more modernity and creature comforts than we’d seen in the previous month in India. We were not disappointed. It really is an intense place. The traffic was hectic! The food was spicy! The malls were HUGE! …and we loved every minute of it.

I’ve got a full post dedicated to the delicious food we sampled throughout Thailand on the way, but here is a preview of how much we enjoyed trying just about anything we set our eyes on:

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